Sunday, May 14, 2006

National Dance Like a Chicken Day

So...big day today...besides being Mother's Day, it is also Saul's 2nd birthday. Most days I feel like a relatively sucky mother, especially where Saul is concerned. When Cohen was a baby, I had oodles of patience, with baby No. 2, not so much. And though sometimes I am indeed lacking in my motherly areas, the majority of the time I think it's Satan kicking me where it hurts most. So even when I mess up, I know God has promised me victory if I just keep trusting Him and picking myself up out of the dust. When I fall short, He never does. As much as I love my kids, it's amazing to know that He loves them more and has a perfect plan for their lives.
However, if your ;) not a mother, and especially if you're not Saul's mother, don't despair, there are still a plethora of ways you can celebrate today. Let me tell you how!
Today is also:
  • the birthday of both George Lucas (Star Wars) and Marshmellow Fluff
  • Crazy Day (aka Mother's Day?!?)
  • and last, but certainly not least, National Dance Like a Chicken Day. If you are unfamiliar with the Chicken Dance, you may also be unfamiliar with things like chickens, dancing, or breathing. But if you are in that small, small minority, you can get complete instructions, along with a brilliant rendition of the dance track at Enjoy.

PS. This may or may not have taken me longer than 8 seconds to type (I am a pretty speedy typist, eh PP?). You may now comment.


At May 14, 2006 7:46 p.m., Blogger Cassidy said...

Oh Stephy, you crack me up. I (not to brag) make a rather good chicken dancer, so I enjoy this holiday very much so.
Today (May 14th) was also the day that Jamestown, Virgina was settled as an English colony.
Also on this day, some Edward guy administers the first smallpox vacination!
Amazing facts huh?
And thats all for your history lesson today.

At May 14, 2006 11:04 p.m., Blogger Kirk said...

More importantly on this day I got to eat and drink bugs.

At May 15, 2006 9:10 a.m., Blogger Kim said...

Happy MOMMY'S Day from one mom to another. Happy Birthday SAUL! Missed you guys this weekend but had a blast seeing Raine Maida! Awesome blogging skills I feel a little unqualified compared!!!TTYS

At May 15, 2006 1:38 p.m., Blogger Scottie said...

whoa... that was almost a scottie post (a serious post which i guess is a bad thing?) and then you pulled it out... nice work...


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