Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Inspirational Properties of Cow Feces

Well, it's been well over a year since I blogged. I have to admit, I fell prisoner to Facebook. And although it has it's merits, I feel something is missing. I discovered this whilst reading Nacho's "Ode to Cow Dung". I miss our freedom of meaningless (and sometimes meaningful) expression, our witty banter, our comraderie. You just don't get that on Facebook. Sure you get the "news", but you don't get the "who-ness" of people. I've discovered something else this week, too -- I think way too freakin' much.

So, I don't really have a topic yet...I'm just breaking the skin to start the blood flowing, so to speak.

Well, maybe I do have a topic, albeit a depressing one. It seems that all my friends have decided to embark on various adventures throughout the summer and leave me home alone. Boohoo, poor me. Laura & Dan are going to Europe and Newfoundland, Marjorie is going to camp in various parts of the country, Jerri has moved away...Okay, so maybe not all of my friends are gone...just most of the significant ones (don't be offended if you are significant and you're not leaving...I can't afford to lose any more friends at this point!). My only request is souveniers...Dave-Ramsey-style. Like a coaster from a real English pub, the pants you peed in at John Mayer (I just want proof, you can have your pants back...I might even wash them for you)...nothing expensive, just something special so I know you didn't forget about me. I'm really gonna miss you guys, but I hope you all have great vacations, make lots of memories, and find something you've been looking for.

Love you, guys!


At June 22, 2008 11:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have come back from the dark side, also known as facebook :)
I knew it the fad couldn't last we just have to convince everyone else the same.

At June 23, 2008 6:14 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or maybe the most important people are already convinced....

At June 23, 2008 9:52 a.m., Blogger Jo said...

glad you are back.

At July 05, 2008 11:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

you didn't last long in the blogging world :(


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