What Colour is the Sky in Your Country?
Well, I have been neglecting my duty of reporting holiday of the day to all my faithful readers. Let's face it, I have just been neglecting my blogging duty period. And there are no good holidays today, so in anticipation of Create Your Own Country Day (November 22), I am officially announcing the
first ever contest on my blog.
If you haven't guessed it, you have to create your own country. Include a name and as many details as you feel necessary. Deadline for entries is November 21 (Tuesday). Top prize may or may not be your own country.
Good luck.
I hate Country and you weant me to create new country? Why don't you just ask me to cheer for the Habs.
This could take a minute. Hmm.. Let me think.
Just think how much better Country would be if you created your own... it could sound like NKOTB or Dashboard. Step by step, I'm vindicated, ooh baby.
That is the worst excuse for lack of creative thinking I have ever heard. Bite me.
though i may or may not agree with stephanie about the lame excuse, don't let her get away with the chomping comment... she is so confident that she can get away with saying that to you and you will not... prove once again why you are the alpha dog...
my country is WHESTONIA... in this land there are many little people and much drama... many many wars are happening daily in this small country... they are mainly cival wars, but there is much turmoil none-the-less... there are two provinces in this country with two very nice leaders, but the overall leader is really the glue that holds this country together... let's just say that his title could be the pricipal...
Kirk. I agree with Scottie's comment that you should again resume biting. Sic 'em.
I would create a country where nobody sucks, but none of you would live there, and I might get lonely.
I Heart Dumb People/Women/Men/Children. Honestly.
yay... i win my second straight blogger contest... this ups my record to 2-0... i rock... not only am i good at screw up sermon illustrations, but i am a great country maker too... do another contest stephy... that was funner than being stung by a bee... (yes, the choice of the word bee was intentional) see, i am learning to laugh at myself...
Um, I don't think the contest is over yet. There are still 12 hours left by my calculations. I'm holding out hope for Tassmania.
do i win yet???
Population: who cares.
Religion: who knows.
Capital: life sucks.
National flower: black tulip
King: Scott Ingalls
National anthem: Hands Down (Dashboard Confessional)
Queen: Heidi. But I killed her and became queen. Although I did not marry Scott. I lived in a completely seperate castle...kind of like a whole new world. Speaking of this, does Scott even exist anymore?
That is my country. For more details please phone 1-800-iam-emo
so your country is always sad and has a bad attitude??? and a man who does not exist is the king??? i question the positivity of this country... it makes me sad to speak of it...
well let's do it this way tassy... since we rock and are the only 2 entrants into this prestigious contest, let's decide the winner by playing rock scissor paper... i choose rock... (insert evil laugh here)
all wars between countries should be settled this way...
I, being of like mind, do hereby declare Cassidy Queen of EmoLand and the winner of the contest. Thanks to all two of you who participated. The rest of you can go to...Emoland.
Mi casa es su casa.
stupid fixed contests and their biased judges...
Why thank you Stephypoo. You can come visit anytime...I have prepared a room in my castle especially for you my love.
Ps. Do you want me to babysit on saturday night?!?!
Um...maybe...is there a service Saturday night?
And also, I owe you money. Sorry.
while in freddy beach friday night i had the opportunity to watch Stranger Than Fiction, Tenacious D & The Pick of Destiny, or Casino Royale (new bond flick) and i have to be honest... the only debate was do i feel like laughing at will farrell or watching some kick butt 007 action... Bond it was and it was good...
Until I get comments from 8 different bloggers, I am not posting. It's just not worth it.
In my ideal country, the sky is pink like dawn and dusk, all the live-long day.
Also, people never move away from my country, because the people are so altruistic there (Like Camelot).
And, on Sunday nights, everyone comes to the town square for dancing, featuring a different style of dance every week.
And, there are rewards for people who dare to creatively express themselves.
And there are no poor and needy because everybody shares. (Note, the word IDEAL must be stressed here, because this is not reality remember).
There are no shut-in elderly people who are lonely because the teenagers and unemployed visit them.
In my ideal country, there are anti-holiday holidays. So that people never know what day is a holiday until it is spontaneously declared by the president/king or whatever (that way it doesn't become too materialistic, and people who don't have family don't feel bad that they have none left).
In my ideal country, everybody gets to rename themselves to have a name they prefer, if they disagree with what was given to them by their parents. (I would be Josephine).
In my ideal country, people would garden, fish, and hunt. They would stay connected to the land and the environment and not over-use it.
In my ideal country, you could canoe down main street because there are not cars, there are only waterways for transportation, therefore nobody kills anybody by drunk driving.
In my ideal country, every kid has a treehouse.
In my ideal country, people with braces are cool.
In my ideal country people who are tan are considered less attractive.
In my ideal country, glasses are cool.
Etc Etc.
P.S. Leighton, I saw the Bond movie, and I'm not normally a fan, but it WAS good, I agree.
Wow. I don't even know Jo and she put way more thought and effort into an entry than any of the rest of you bums. However, I must declare Cassidy the continuing victor in this competition for a number of reasons, the two main ones being: Cassidy's entry was on time and Jo's country has a PINK sky. Of all the beautiful colours created by an awesome God, and she chooses perpetual pink. So far, Jo, I have considered you to be fairly intelligent, but I have to seriously question the intellect of anyone who would live out the rest of their days in a rose-coloured country. Pfft. Enjoyed the rest of your country, though, especially the weekly dance-fests. I do so love to dance!
hahaha. "pfft!" to your pink prejudices Stephanie. So far, I have considered you to be a fairly open-minded, hospitable, decent person, but I must seriously question the decency of a person who automatically presumes that one of God's beautiful colours is superior over another. Really. All colours are created equal in His sight. :-)
Well, perhaps in Cassady's country there can be dance fests?
Stephy, blog. You can blog about our trip away tomorrow.. Woot.
you know the tune...
all i want for Christmas is a blog from stephy,
a blog from stephy, a blog from stephy...
all i want for Christmas is a blog from stephy,
so i can can laugh and be entertained...
it needs a bit of work, but it is almost ready to record...
i'll be a back up singer for you ... i'm no good but my heart will be in it cuase I agree! lol
that would be great gillian... don't forget about carolling tonight...
and yes of course i meant to say can can...
i am not getting what i want for Christmas... (see the song) therefore there is no santa... aka, satan...
Twas the night before Christmas and Santa was dead.
Rudolph apparently gored him in the head.
Merry Christmas.
This is my gift to you.
Thanks for that...?...anyways...post steph please.
Merry Christmas my love:)
i second that... have an amazing day with the fam...
I'm startled that you think of Stephanie as your love.
whateve pepto, whateve... you know what i mean...
if you wrote another post, i would read it. further, if you got a counter, you would at least be able to see how many 'hits' your site actually gets, so as not to despair when no one comments. it helps one persevere, trust me, i know.
I am protesting. I refuse to post again until Stephy does. And after I got her such a lovely xmas present too. *Sigh*
now i have heard through the grapevine that you have been sick over the break and if i know you at all you have probably been cleaning uncontrollably, but i am just a bit curious... are you even still alive??? it seems that you have gone the way of scott ingalls... like off of the face of the planet scott...
a new GM link for ya...
she even gave a shout out of sort to joyce on her january 1st post...
can't go wrong with that...
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