What Colour is the Sky in Your Country?
Well, I have been neglecting my duty of reporting holiday of the day to all my faithful readers. Let's face it, I have just been neglecting my blogging duty period. And there are no good holidays today, so in anticipation of Create Your Own Country Day (November 22), I am officially announcing the first ever contest on my blog. If you haven't guessed it, you have to create your own country. Include a name and as many details as you feel necessary. Deadline for entries is November 21 (Tuesday). Top prize may or may not be your own country. Good luck.stephanie
Screw You
At the risk of becoming the unofficial site of the Nacho Colossus fan club, I have to tell this story. Faithful followers of my blog will recall a time not so long ago (but longer ago than my last post) that my son [and his nose] had an unfortunate encounter with some pebbles. Here I was, worried that this incident would somehow impact upon his future development as a well-rounded citizen, and now I am more concerned than ever...
Some time ago it seems, about 30 years or so, a young mother (we'll call her Mrs. Perry), was tucking her young son (we'll call him Boy Nacho) into bed. While adjusting his cape and fluffing his pillow, Mrs. Perry noticed a faint glistening glint in Boy Nacho's nasal cavity. "Mr. Perry, come quickly!" Mrs. Perry cried. Mr. Perry came running to his wife's distraught side. He, too, spied a metallic glimmer deep in the recesses of Kirk's, I mean Boy Nacho's wee snout. Upon further examination, the Perrys discovered that the glistening glimmering glint was a screw nail that the young fellow had twisted into his cranium. And unfortunately, that is where my story ends. Because unfortunately, that is when Lynette stopped telling it. And so, the fate of the screw nail, not unlike the fate of Kirk's neighbour's cat, is as of yet unknown.
The moral of this story is...be careful when judging people who you think might have a screw loose...it may actually be quite tightly wedged into their sinus cavity.