Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Couple Appreciation Day

Well, today is the day to express apprecation for that dynamic duo better known as The Couple. The day to tell them how much you appreciate them demonstrating their fondness for one another in public, for not being ashamed to stare longingly into each other's eyes for unprecedented amounts of time all the while blocking out the other twenty people around them. The way they refer to each other as "babe", or "hon" or "shmiscuit". The way they can't spend more than 5 minutes without each other, and when they're not with them, the way they constantly call, text or msn them. It's also the day to tell them how much you appreciate hearing about how cute their significant other's ears are or the sweet way they drool when they sleep.

I think that a fabulous way to honour those couples around you is to document their undying love for one another on video. Then, in two weeks, when the love is gone and they really get to know one another, you can insist upon replaying the tender moments back to them. Every puppy-eyed stare, every cheesy comment, every drippy second of their fairy tale romance. Some may say this would be like rubbing salt in a wound. I, on the other hand, believe that salt has restorative qualities. Rub-a-dub-dub, suck it up.

I find it interesting how holidays are grouped together. For instance, not only is today Couple Appreciation Day, it is also National Yo-Yo Day and the anniversary of D-Day. This may or may not be a coincidence.


At June 06, 2006 8:53 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do I start.
Hmmm...I'll go with this...(As I Gag)

Well, not only do we have to watch these couples in public being gross. (showing thier fondness and such) and not only do we have to read people's lovey-dovey msn names but now we have to go all out and make a day for them.

What has the world come to? I used to think the internet was an innocent and harmless place, but even the couples have leaked thier way into yet another beautiful thing. Like this website for example. I just don't believe it.

At June 06, 2006 8:53 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

(That was a pretty good post Scott...maybe I'm getting it back! My wit!)

At June 06, 2006 9:11 p.m., Blogger Kim said...

Way to go speaking life into yourself Scott! Since you didn't go there I will go there for you; COUPLES ARE GROSS. p.s. I myself do not consider myself an
"Active" couple because I display none of this nonsense!

At June 06, 2006 9:18 p.m., Blogger Cassidy said...

Um, me, being 15 with raging horomones still agree that couples are rather disturbing. Yes, thats right, I said raging horomones; get over yourself.

Also, I find it extremely annoying how people post their feelings on their msn names... "My love soars like the eagle over the horizen ... HEART BOBBY" And i'm thinking, "no."
And then the break up msn names are even worse "Miss you, my life is falling into the firey pitts, i'm turning into an emo kid..." sniffle sniffly sniff; once again GET OVER YOURSELVES.

This post has turned into a horrible out rage of msn emotions.

At June 06, 2006 11:08 p.m., Blogger Kirk said...

Yeah I'm trying to convey my feelings to the world with my msn name. My current name is Kirk says 3 more wins. Past ones include I lost you at Hello and Rev. Hottie Pastor. Oh yeah and couples are gross (and pretty much off my radar)

At June 07, 2006 11:28 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Pretty much" off your radar? Does that mean that some couples are ON your radar?

Do you know what is really annoying? Car wash couples that turn into couple bashers when they are no longer part of a couple. Does anyone have footage of this event?

At June 07, 2006 1:33 p.m., Blogger Scottie said...

no footage... but yeah, that shift from happy to bitter is kind of annoying isn't it? oh well, love em anyway...

At June 08, 2006 11:16 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I must say, when I read the post, I was trying to think of something clever to say and nothing came to me. However, I now must say that I concurr with everything that has been previously posted (except bits and pieces of Cassidy's). It is just one of the unknown mysteries of the world to me as to why anyone would act like was described in the post in public. I leave you with that as I go and ponder the situation some more trying to come up with some sort of an answer that may or may not make sense...


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