Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Make My Day Day

Apparently, today is Clint Eastwood's birthday. And while I am not a big fan of Clint's, and really haven't watched many of his movies (except Bridges of Madison County, and I don't think that counts), I think Make My Day Day is a holiday worthy of celebration.

I have this boy in my class whom I love like my own. I would take him home in a minute. And I know he loves me, too. I can just see it on his face whenever he tells me about the frog he caught last night (or slug, or spider, he loves all things buggy). I have taught him to read and the joy on his face when he reads aloud to me is one of the greatest gifts ever. He makes my day a lot. Yesterday, he brought me a styrofoam cup filled with beautiful apple blossoms. For my birthday, he was the only one of my students that made me a card and brought me a present -- a baby sculpin skeleton. I know how much he loves that kind of stuff, and that he would part with his "specimen" was a witness to how much he thinks of me. You all know what I'm talking about. Someone has done something for you to make at least one of your days somewhere along the line. Today I am being slightly serious (sorry, Scottie). Think about a time when someone did something incredibly thoughtful for you and how that made you feel. And then go out and make someone else feel that way.

Love you, guys!

Regularly scheduled sarcasm will return after this message.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Cherry Dessert Day/Masking Tape's Birthday

I didn't post yesterday because I had to take Cohen to the doctor in Saint John. She has had a high fever off and on for the past few weeks and my father (the nurse) suggested I have it checked out. So I did. (Although after the tune in the bucket comment, I should probably never listen to anything he says.) It was great fun. She had to have blood taken for the first time. I tried to make it fun, even though I would rather wash dishes than have my own blood taken. I told her it would be really cool to watch the blood squirt up into the little tube. And what fun it was! I could tell she was enjoying herself by the way she screamed uncontrollably. And then there was the urine sample, which is hard enough to get for yourself, let alone for someone who refuses to pee while you watch, much less while you hold a cup for them. So...I bribed her with Toys R Us (where she chose the biggest, PINKEST doll she could find as a reward for her bravery/torture). Unless you have obtained a urine sample from a stubborn 3-year old through better methods, you are not allowed to judge me. Anyhow, the results won't be in until Monday, and of course, she no longer has the fever.

So yesterday was Cherry Dessert Day. Cherry Desserts are my all-time favourite, especially if they also contain chocolate. Cherry cheesecake, cherry pie, chocolate cherry crumble, yummy...

And today is the 76th birthday of the Masking Tape patent. Yay. It is also National Grape Popsicle Day. So, on this day, I can say to you without a shred of guilt...SUCK IT UP! And don't get any on your clothes...sorry, mommy moment. Hazard of the job.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

International Sing-Out Day

I have a confession to make. I cannot sing. (This will come as no surprise to anyone who has shared a hymnal with me in church or been a passenger in my vehicle.) It is a very sad story, actually. One day, when I was a young girl, full of innocence and bliss, I was singing at the supper table. All of a sudden, my own father uttered a comment that continues to shatter my spirit to this day:
"Be quiet! You can't carry a tune in a bucket!"
It was a turning point in my life; the point, one might say, where I left childhood behind and entered the cruel, cruel realm of reality. So, though inside my soul sings like a canary, I will not be participating in today's festivities. Perhaps someday, I'll be free to sing. But for today, it is just too painful.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

National Taffy Day

Well, I discovered some interesting trivia today in light of the fact that I have nothing to say about taffy. Did you know that European countries celebrate what is known as Name Day? Me neither. Apparently first names are appointed for each day of the year and in some countries, a person's Name Day is more celebrated than their birthday. Calendars typically come with the names printed on them so you know that July 28, for example, is Kimberlee Day. So quit your whining, PP, and write these on your calendar:

  • January 22, Cassidy Day
  • November 28, Scott Day
  • December 26, Stephanie Day
  • February 8, Curtis Day
  • October 11, Kirk Day

I have only listed the names of those people who actually comment on my blog. It's all about you.

Visit to find out more.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Toothpaste Tube Birthday

Today's holidays leave me with many questions: What came first, the toothpaste or the tube? And why does it always rain on Victoria's birthday? What did she do to deserve this? Did she squeeze the tube from the middle? How do they get that minty fresh paste inside a toothpaste tube? And why mint? If parsley is a natural breath freshener, why don't they make parsley toothpaste? What did people do before toothpaste? Do we really care?

Friday, May 19, 2006

Circus Day

122 years ago today the Ringling Brothers opened their first circus. I have only been to the circus once. I'm not really sure it was a circus. But there were peanuts and an elephant and elephant poop. I didn't say it was a good story.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

No Dirty Dishes Day

I like this holiday. I hate doing dishes. And by hate, I mean love less than just about everything. By hate, I mean I want to avoid. I will do anything to avoid doing dishes. I would ride a roller coaster to avoid doing dishes. I would watch videos of men in Spandex dancing to Streamline to avoid doing dishes. I would watch hockey to avoid doing dishes. I would read a serious blog to avoid doing dishes. You get the picture. Every day should be today. Open the window, get out the pellet gun and let the games begin.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Pack Rat Day

I have to admit, I am a pack rat. I have come from a long line of pack rats. It is genetic, I cannot help it. I am working toward recovery, however. The flood in my basement last fall relieved me of some of my childhood junk. Having children has also helped. Do I really want/need every scrap of paper that my children have scribbled on? Will I be able to sell them someday on E-Bay, become a millionaire and move to a mansion high on a hill overlooking the ocean, a mansion Scott Ingalls would give up his [dirty sexy] truck for? Doubtful. I have a new motto when it comes to cleaning up the clutter. Do I want the people cleaning out my house after I die to find this? (FYI/TMI: I came up with this motto while cleaning out my underwear drawer recently.) It applies to many things...torn bloomers, old love letters, salad dressing from 2001. Despite all this, I still have no motto strong enough to make me part with my before-braces dental impressions. Sometimes breaking up is just too hard to do.

PS. No, I do not keep salad dressing (of any vintage) in my underwear drawer.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

National Curtis Day

Today is Curtis' 20th birthday, and I am officially declaring today be the 1st National Curtis Day in honour of Curtis and his birthday (in case that was not clear). I apologize for not knowing in what nation National Curtis Day is to be celebrated. Pick one and go with it. Nambia seems to be popular these days.
If you choose to celebrate National Curtis Day, you must also choose to indulge in the official National Curtis Day customs, which include the official National Curtis Day meal. This meal is the melding of several (a plethora, really) of other holidays also celebrated on May 16, otherwise known as National Curtis Day. They are: International Pickle Day and the birthdays of Spam, Spaghetti-O's and Root Beer. So sit back, pour yourself a frosty mug of root beer and enjoy two of the world's finest canned goods with a dilly pickle (or a juicy gherkin, the choice is yours). Oh, yeah, today is also Wear Purple for Peace Day, so don't forget to climb into your coziest purple lounge suit before you sit down. And before the day is through, be sure to drop by Curtis' blog and wish him a Happy Birthday ( .

Days Yurr has not commented on my blog...5.

Monday, May 15, 2006

National Chocolate Chip Day

Today's holiday is a mix of two of my favourite things: useless trivia and, even better, useless trivia about chocolate. So, here's the thing. In the 1930s there was this chick named Ruth Wakefield who owned an inn in Massachusetts. And Ruth loved to bake cookies for her guests every day. One day, she committed the ultimate baking sin...she didn't check her cupboard to find out if she had all of the ingredients. So, instead of using her usual baking chocolate, she was forced to break apart a chocolate bar into her dough. Ruth thought that the chocolate would melt and mix with the dough during the cooking process (either she was a bit on the slow side or had a magical oven). Well, guess what? The chocolate bits did not melt and mix, but did get a bit softer. Ruth served the cookies anyway and her guests were estradic! Her cookies were so popular, she made a deal with Nestle...They would carry her recipe on the back wrapper of their semi-sweet chocolate bar. And ol' Ruth was thinking...instead of asking for money, she would in turn be given a lifetime supply of chocolate. I mean, it was the Depression, what would she do with a lot of money? But a tonne of chocolate...imagine the possibilities!!!
Personally, I think that this holiday has come just in time for my buddy, Cassidy, who seems to be hopeless at baking cookies. Maybe she just needs a little help from Ruth (whose original recipe can be found at You never know, Cass, it may be your recipe on the back of a wrapper someday.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

National Dance Like a Chicken Day

So...big day today...besides being Mother's Day, it is also Saul's 2nd birthday. Most days I feel like a relatively sucky mother, especially where Saul is concerned. When Cohen was a baby, I had oodles of patience, with baby No. 2, not so much. And though sometimes I am indeed lacking in my motherly areas, the majority of the time I think it's Satan kicking me where it hurts most. So even when I mess up, I know God has promised me victory if I just keep trusting Him and picking myself up out of the dust. When I fall short, He never does. As much as I love my kids, it's amazing to know that He loves them more and has a perfect plan for their lives.
However, if your ;) not a mother, and especially if you're not Saul's mother, don't despair, there are still a plethora of ways you can celebrate today. Let me tell you how!
Today is also:
  • the birthday of both George Lucas (Star Wars) and Marshmellow Fluff
  • Crazy Day (aka Mother's Day?!?)
  • and last, but certainly not least, National Dance Like a Chicken Day. If you are unfamiliar with the Chicken Dance, you may also be unfamiliar with things like chickens, dancing, or breathing. But if you are in that small, small minority, you can get complete instructions, along with a brilliant rendition of the dance track at Enjoy.

PS. This may or may not have taken me longer than 8 seconds to type (I am a pretty speedy typist, eh PP?). You may now comment.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I Just Called to Say I Love You Day

So I must admit, I have called no one. To say anything, much less I love you. However, I am finding that I am loving far more people now than I have in a long time. And that could be because I am feeling more loved by people than I have in a long time. And for that, I will say, thank you very much and I love you, too. You know who you are.
There is a poster that hangs in my office/junk room that is titled Ways to Love A Child. And since we are all children in big people bodies, I thought I'd share some ways to spread the love around (in case you needed inspiration):
Give your presence Laugh, dance and sing together Listen from a heart space Encourage Understand Allow them to love themselves Ask their opinions Learn from them Say yes as often as possible Say no when necessary Honour their no's Apologize Touch gently Build lots of blanket forts Open up Fly kites together Lighten up Believe in possibilities Read books out loud Create a circle of quiet Teach feelings Share your dreams Walk in the rain Celebrate mistakes Admit yours Frame their artwork Stay up late together Eliminate comparison Delight in silliness Handle with care Protect them Cherish their innocence Giggle Speak kindly Go swimming Splash Let them help Let them cry Don't hide your tears Brag about them Answer their questions Let them go when it's time Let them come back Show compassion Bend down to talk to little children Smile even when you're tired Surprise with a special lunch Don't judge their friends Give them enough room to make decisions Love all that they do Honour their differences Respect them Remember they have not been on the earth long.
Until tomorrow.

Friday, May 12, 2006

I Got Nothin'

Well, I think I may have finally figured this out. But I really have nothing to say. This soggy weather has turned my brain into papier mache.

Limerick Day

Well, if you know anything about me at all, you will know that I am insanely anal. Like bordering Martha Stewart anal. It is a curse and a blessing all rolled into one. I like things to fit into categories. Everything must have its place. I count things. I am not spontaneous nor random. I am aware of minute details that no other mentally stable human being would notice.
Anyhow, I said all that to say this: My blog needed a theme. Because I can't deal with not knowing if I will have something to say on June 13th or not. I am a spaz. theme is Every Day Is a Holiday. And today is Limerick Day. So in honor of that, here's my poem:
There once was a young man named Wyatt
Whose voice was exceedingly quiet
And then one day,
It faded away...
Feel free to submit your own. Happy rhyming.