Make My Day Day
Apparently, today is Clint Eastwood's birthday. And while I am not a big fan of Clint's, and really haven't watched many of his movies (except Bridges of Madison County, and I don't think that counts), I think Make My Day Day is a holiday worthy of celebration.
I have this boy in my class whom I love like my own. I would take him home in a minute. And I know he loves me, too. I can just see it on his face whenever he tells me about the frog he caught last night (or slug, or spider, he loves all things buggy). I have taught him to read and the joy on his face when he reads aloud to me is one of the greatest gifts ever. He makes my day a lot. Yesterday, he brought me a styrofoam cup filled with beautiful apple blossoms. For my birthday, he was the only one of my students that made me a card and brought me a present -- a baby sculpin skeleton. I know how much he loves that kind of stuff, and that he would part with his "specimen" was a witness to how much he thinks of me. You all know what I'm talking about. Someone has done something for you to make at least one of your days somewhere along the line. Today I am being slightly serious (sorry, Scottie). Think about a time when someone did something incredibly thoughtful for you and how that made you feel. And then go out and make someone else feel that way.
Love you, guys!
Regularly scheduled sarcasm will return after this message.